In the living-breathing forests of society, educators are like trees facilitating the fruits of learning.
These bearers of learning need sufficient incubation and nourishment to develop strong roots, i.e. knowledge, skills and attitudes required for effective teaching-learning practices.
We offer this incubation ground for young teachers and prepare 21st-century teacher-learner-leaders.
Our teachers pass on the love and create 21st century classrooms.
65% of children joining the education system today will work in jobs that don’t exist today. A combination of academic, digital and 21st-century skills is necessary to thrive in the future global labor force. 21st century classrooms will enable all learners to fulfill their potential.
Every year 2.5 lakh new teachers join the education workforce. Many are highly driven to influence the world by teaching their students well. Early career support for young teachers will equip them to navigate the complex and dynamic realities of 21st century classroom and schools.
What we do
We establish model 21st century classrooms. We use our insights on classroom practice, teacher training and communities of practice to skill young teachers. We run two programs to inspire, train and mentor ,pre-service and early career in-service teachers to build their professional and 21st century competencies.

नानक Teacher Learning Centres (TLC)
TLCs facilitate guided practice, discussion forums, training and exposure programs for pre-service and in-service teachers as per the National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education (NCFTE 2009). To establish inspiring and effective TLCs, we create model 21st century classrooms using library and computer lab set-up at government schools.

नींव Teacher Fellowship
Select early career teachers in government primary schools receive year long fellowship - training, feedback on classroom practice, individual coaching, exposure opportunities and TLM support. Trained as SMART teachers, they create 21st century classrooms. At the end of one year, fellows can choose to create communities of practice and further build their leadership skills.
